Melatonin Synergizes with Oxytocin to Enhance Contractility of Human Myometrial Smooth Muscle Cells

Physiological understanding of why it is important for women to be supported to labour in the dark!

Labouring under fluorescent lighting is a technological interruption to the labouring woman’s progress. Let the simple things not be underestimated for their effect on labour and birth outcomes. Simply turn off the lights!

Thanks to we found the link to this awesome study!
 “[Melatonin] synergizes with [oxytocin] to promote [uterine smooth muscle] contractions and to facilitate gap junction activity [in a controlled testing environment]. Such a synergy in [a living human] would promote coordinated and forceful contractions of the late term pregnant uterus necessary for [childbirth].”

Please go here for the abstract:

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